FPS Swimming


~ We will not be conquered by circumstances ~

Our Term 1 Swimming Season

Results of our swimming teams for the 2022 season

Term 1 swimming got off to an incredibly busy start. We started training and getting ready for the incredibly busy season we were going to have. Our 3 league galas for our A and B teams showed just what a tight season this was going to be for both our A team and B team. We had consistently competed in the league galas coming either first and second in all galas and that had prepared us for inter primary.

The preparations for inter primary were very busy. We were up early 4 mornings a week training at school and at Boksburg north. We had some very fun encounters at morning training like getting donuts for Valentine’s Day, toasted bacon and cheese sandwiches for breakfast after a hard session, getting health muffins, cake pops and even getting Coach Chloe to train with the swimming teams at Boksburg north one morning.

We had a record attendance at Boksburg north morning training with getting close to 50 kids every morning session which we were incredibly proud of.

Our inter primary galas were both very successful. Farrarmere hosted the A league inter primary gala which was a success. Our A team came second in an incredibly close encounter with Rynfield on the night and our B team did an incredible job in WINNING the B league gala by more than 20 points which was amazing to watch.

We are incredibly proud of our swimmers and their efforts in the swimming season and we can’t wait for the Term 4 season to begin!!!

Our Swimming Team

Meet our swimming team, led by Coach Chloe. Coach Chloe is our head of Swimming and has an amazing team behind her.

Our Swimming Team

A team - Coach Chloe, Coach Dyllan, Ms Hunkin and Mrs Salomons

B Team - Coach Chloe, Coach Sam, Mrs Knight, Mrs Glass and Ms Hoffman

Need any information about our swimming season please contact Coach Chloe